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Hardhat Tasks

Hardhat Tasks#

Augur Turbo takes advantage of Hardhat to handle smart contract development, and comes pre-packaged with a variety of useful tasks for interacting with the Augur contracts.

The source for these tasks are all available in the packages/smart/tasks directory.


There are a variety of utility tasks available, for instance:

# Print the list of accounts
yarn hardhat accounts
# Print an account's balance
yarn hardhat --account [account address]

To get a complete list run:

yarn hardhat

Selecting a network#

Default network settings are registered to allow you to select a network. These are defined in packages/smart/hardhat.config.ts. The --network argument can be used with hardhat tasks to direct the task to connect to a specific network.

yarn hardhat [task] --network [kovan|mumbai|arbitrum|...]

Specifying a private key#

To deploy to anywhere but hardhat or localhost, you must provide a private key using an environment variable like so:

PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 yarn hardhat --network kovan deploy

Or you may export the environment variable into your shell's ENV list:

export PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
yarn hardhat --network kovan deploy

Canned Markets#

A variety of test markets can be created by using the cannedMarkets task. This is useful for both local and testnet deploys, allowing you to start with a list of markets that is consistent.

yarn hardhat cannedMarkets

The Rundown#

We are adding tasks to make it easy to fetch data from TheRunDown. In order to use these you will need a rundown api key from rapidapi.

yarn hardhat fetch-rundown-event --event [eventId] --key [rundownApiKey]

Fund link#

This task funds an address with 1 LINK. Call this task with a private key and network. Make sure that private key account has LINK.

yarn hardhat fundLink --contract [contractAddress]

Request score#

This request the score for a match. Call this task with a private key and network. Fund TheRundownChainlink contract with LINK first. You can use the fundLink task for this.

yarn hardhat requestScore